Monday Morning Blues!! - Corporate Diaries



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Sunday, 4 February 2018

Monday Morning Blues!!

Monday Morning Blues!!

The first work day of the week gives stress and anxiety. Last night party hangover, long travel, unread emails and so on that makes that day so stressful that the anxiety sometimes start from one night before.

“Fire!Fire!” , no nothing on ablaze it’s the words I wake up screaming when my alarm goes off , not every morning but the morning when I have to go office after a break aka “Monday” morning. Well my Monday is any day after an off, it can be the weekend, a vacation off or a sick off . In proper definition my Monday is the day after “any duration when neither my brain nor my laptop is open to update sheets or codes.” The much I love my time off, I hate waking up next morning and show up for work. But as they say reality sucks so, I somehow manages to drag my body out of cozy blanket with eyes shut, sleeper in one foot and goes to pee just to doze off for another 10-15 minutes until someone starts banging the door.

Monday + Jinx = Minx (favorably I call it mixie)
Consuming every ounce of energy in my body I, manages myself to the breakfast table and here’s when it starts, What? You can call it anything I call it the “mixie aka Monday Jinxes”. It’s that unwanted catalyst that just gets into every equation out of nowhere and breaks the equilibrium only to have a worst outcome!  So, when I am booking the cab somehow this “mixie” manages to either make my phone got to hibernation mode or get me into a cab having co-mates who are either need to get picked or dropped from or to the different corner of the city and “yee to me” in same fare I went on for a “city tour” and discover new places!  No prize for guessing , I reach office late and with doped looking eyes I tried to sneak into the bay full of my team mates. At that time I always have this feeling as if I am entering the classroom in mid of a lecture and everyone in the classroom is staring at me and I only want to just somehow hide my face and pretend it never happened! But, again “Mixie” comes from nowhere to “add insult to injury” when my manager who btw never gets in time but now giving me “Death stare” from behind his screen. I slided even more into my chair and began my daily chores.

I must tell you every Monday the most scariest thing to do is “Opening your mail box” its like opening my university results which by the way were as unpredictable as president of XXX these days. So, you can expect anything, similarly while opening the mailbox you’re just staring the list of mails without breathing to look for that flunk subject and thanks to “Mixie” you get one! One task of yours that you’ve submitted successfully has come back and guess what, you have to do it all over again, “yipeee”. Now, in order to digest this bitter pill and bring the life into this dead body I need magic potion known as “Coffee”. Seriously, only thing “Mixie” doesn’t f’nup is coffee and it’s the only thing keeps me and my brain alive and sane enough not to run into someone or something.

Meetings, Deadlines, deliverables some gets completed, some push to next day only relief is somehow I manage to make out the whole day. Great if without any explosion else next day and sends mixie back to her home just to come back next Monday again. When cab dropped me home ,only thing I think of is my “Sleep” and next day same fight again!

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