A few things about Corporate that no one tells you about!
Not Friends but Colleagues
In the Corporate world, there is no such thing as “friends” especially when you are working in the same team, they are better termed as colleagues.
So, be careful when you are having meals or going on coffee breaks with them, you won’t realise what you unintentionally reveal while pouring your heart out.
The organisation was there before you and will be still there after you
When you put your heart and soul into your work and by God’s grace it turns out good, you start believing that the organisation will cease to exist without you and that will start bringing change in your attitude.
It will soon start reflecting in your behaviour and these type of things don’t go unnoticed. The Management will tolerate you for some time but parallely, they will start looking for your replacement and next time when you cross any line, it will take them no time to show you the door.
“Learn to say “No” as soon as possible!”
Corporate world can be scary , you can end up doing the heavy lifting for someone else without getting the credit for it. So, you need to set your boundaries right and start learning to say “No” for the work that don’t come within your boundary.
This doesn’t mean to say “No” for any other task, you need to judge which one is an opportunity and which one is just someone trying to being over smart with you.
Balance your personal and professional life well
Work is important but so is your family. Be your organisation’s hardworking employee at the work hours but also be a devoted family member in your personal hours. Just because you are getting paid from your employer for your work shouldn’t make your family less important and put them lower in your priority list.
Never be guilty of claiming your personal time
Be clear that you are an employee and get paid for the job that come with certain perks including your time off. So your personal time is not something you are asking as a favor but its a perk that comes with your job entitlement and hence you shouldn’t be feeling bad for claiming it.
Smart work is better than hard work
If hard work can take you to the top in 5 years, smart work can definitely take you there in 2. What’s smart work and hard work? The meaning varies with time and circumstances. In a nut shell hard work is when you work with utmost sincerity and honesty while smart work is when along with honesty and sincerity you also look at the bigger picture before acting on anything.
There is a major difference between CTC and your in hand salary
To the unknown CTC stands for Cost To Company which includes everything that the organisation is giving you, including any pension benefits, meals benefit and so on. But your in hand salary is the actual figures that gets credited in your account excluding all of that and not to forget about the Taxes. So, when you are offered X LPA by an organisation you can be happy for the figures on paper but in reality the salary you are going to get every month will be way less.
You are just a “resource”
To the organisation filling the requirement of a resource is of prime importance that the desire of the person. For instance if there is a need of ‘a’ resource in a team then you can be be put there irrespective of your skills and experience,
From there on it will be another battle to align your interests and skill with your work. Sometimes, it will make you feel that you are wasting your skills.
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