Tips to reach office during rainy season! - Corporate Diaries



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Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Tips to reach office during rainy season!

Tips to reach office during rainy season!

Imagine you have an important interview or an important exam or an important lecture or any important work for which you have to really step out of your home and it suddenly start raining heavily.

 After exploring all your options that I have listed for you in my previous article if you haven’t read it, the link is here (please read it before proceeding ahead), you have finally decided that you have to actually face the heat which is actually rain what an irony!  Now considering the fact you have already tried for cab or any conveyance, your own vehicle has ditched you, you have no option but to take your beautiful fresh pedicured feet into natural spa aka rain water. So, get dressed and prep as per occasion (details are here) and with victory mark on your forehead start your journey.

Here are different phase of your journey

Phase 1: From your home to main road (normal travel time: 5 min Expected travel time : XX)
Disclaimer: Very importantly, when you step out of house and see something like this, don’t get scared and say this magical slogan 3 times “All is well”.

Now, since you can’t walk so you can do 2 things either take lift or go old school i.e wait!! Wait for any transport like “Rickshaw or Auto”. I wasn’t able to get any lift so I went old school and then, God sent me an angel and his name was “Mr. Badri” the Rickshaw man. Don’t get by the name just understand the emotions, name can be fake but my emotion are real. So, Mr. Badri water lifted me to the main road.

Status: Reached main road
Time: 25 min
Phase 1 completed

Phase 2: From Main Road to Office (normal travel time: 20 min; Expected travel time : XX)

When I arrived at the main road, the situation was totally different from usual. Normally the buses and autos have to call out the passengers but today they weren’t even stopping as they were already full. A few of them had only few vacant seats and people were running like mad from them. So, like any educated person I didn’t break the queue and let those people go (that’s one way of saying that I couldn’t got into that nasty crowded thing) and I adjusted myself in the natural mirror, don’t know what’s that I am talking about this:

So, while the princess was waiting for her carriage to arrive, people were desperately trying to get any possible help. But wait she isn’t that dumb as I expected I think she has found something that take me to the tips section.

Tip 1:  Look for possible help that can be anything or “Anyone”!

In this case look for your possible co passenger who eventually will become a co payee in the spiked cab/auto price and will make it subsidized for you. So, while I was admiring the natural mirror, I also noticed a person standing next to me wearing ID card of a company that happens to be in the same premises where my office is. Yee I may have found my co payee, don’t know what need to be done next? Simple, ask him/her “Is you office is at XYZ location”, if answer is “Yes” then reply “Mine also, we can share the ride if that’s fine” and you are set!

Now, you have your fare is also subsidized but what if there is “no fare to subsidized” as in you are still unable to find any conveyance then? Follow my next tip

Tip 2 : When you are in extreme situations always ready for short trips

So, if you don’t find any conveyance to your exact location then go with the one that’s arrangable, there are chances the situation is better that what’s been said by others.
So, after getting that mid-way conveyance you are now somewhere in between your origin point and your location.
Status : Halfway
Time : 24 mins
Comments : One new co passenger
Phase 2B : From mid way to office

When you’ll reach there, there are equal chances of your prayer getting answered and your worst nightmare getting true, in mid of that speculation you peek outside and now there can be 2 things:

        It’s manageable and you’ll get the conveyance aka God has sent you help. In form of an auto that just stopped in front of you and is ready to take you your destination. Now first and foremost don’t forget to “Thank God” and then yes don’t forget to take your copayee along and enjoy the monsoon ride.

       Second is situation when its near or worse that your thoughts, that first its raining heavily and on top of that there is no conveyance and now you can literally see your “Nightmares on the Elm street”. (That was one of my favorite horror movie; for non movie friendly people click here to know more) . In such situation I can only suggest you one thing; or infact 2 things pull out your umbrella and Walk! Walk till you don’t find anything, Walk till you don’t see your destination.

PS: I have serious respect for these people and God knows if you’ll tell your story to your manager you may get a car; don’t believe it? Its true, I'll get you the proof in next article, which is here

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