Reasons why you should consider for a Job Change - Corporate Diaries



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Tuesday 23 October 2018

Reasons why you should consider for a Job Change

5 Reasons why you should consider for Job Change

Thinking about leaving your job can be nerve wrecking and yes can be stressful so it takes a lot of conviction to pull it off!

Continuing the previous discussion where we discussed the emotional part for the current organisation while taking a new opportunity. In this article we’ll discuss about the nervousness of taking up a new challenge and the reasons why you should go forward and take the leap of faith. First if all, its quite natural to feel that as you have worked your as* off to gain this position where you are comfortable enough to

Say “Off sick today” and no question comes in return
Sneak out in between and still no probe there
More than usual work from homes

These are some perks that no HR will mention while offering you a role but definitely exists in every job. Only difference is that, while other perks comes as mentioned in your offer letter these are somethings that you really have to work hard for. Countless stretches, working on weekends and unlimited hard work has actually let your boss put his trust on you. So, then why should leave this cozy and comfortable world that you have set up for yourself and enter in the world of uncertainties? Mentioned below are few reasons why you should go out and face the wind!

One of the major reasons you should leave your cozy space is to learn. Learning is consistent and being from technical background , I can assure you that you must keep learning. Not only for best earning but also to keep up with the technology ; else in no time you’ll be another artifact lying in one side of your office space.

Career Growth
Changing job not only adds one extra column in your resume but also give you give you more chances to learn and explore. Every new learning opens up new doors of opportunity for you and will take you even closer to your career goals.

Nothing is permanent
“Change is what is consistent” so if you won’t change then may be the set up around you will change. In other words no job guarantees life time security so even if you decide to stay then may be the job won’t be no longer available to stay in! I personally have seen people working comfortable in an organisation and a sudden management change and they have been shown doors in no time.

Know your worth
In my opinion the relationship of need should be mutual between an employee and an employer ;and the later should never be taken for granted. One of the major reason is when the employer knows that you have no worth outside his place. So in order to give him a reality check always keep checking your worth in outside market. That not only will provide you that confidence to ask what’s yours but also help you gain that respect and who knows which opportunity turn out to be a life change moment for you!

Opportunities exists everywhere
Every place has opportunities if you are determined to discover them. I have started with a place where few opportunities were no where to be seen. But me and my team mates worked really hard and eventually succeeded. So anything or any place if you are determined you can achieve anything its just that you have to start fresh and even that should be great as there will be a lot to discover.

It’s never east to leave a cosy blanket and walk in cold but sometimes you need to go out to keep it going!!
Please do like and share if you like as everyone loves a little appreciation and motivation.

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