Expectation and Disappointment - Corporate Diaries



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Tuesday 21 August 2018

Expectation and Disappointment

Expectation and Disappointment

Logically stating Expectation and disappointment are directly proportional to each other. While expectation is a strong belief and hope, disappointment is an emotion when that hope or belief gets broken.

Every now and then we expect. Expect from ourselves, from people around us and even the situation around us.
We expect from our parents to give us more,
Parents expect us to study and deliver more,
Managers expect us to be more efficient,
We expect our manager to be more lenient,
We expect from our cricket team to win,
They expect us to consider them as human

 So what does this expectation do, why people actually have any expectations with the other one and how does expectations actually changes the perception of seeing things. So, let’s take these questions one by one and try to answer in the least complicated way.

What is expectation?

Our very own search engine says “Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen”, okay “belief” heavy word isn’t it? So, what’s belief? Again our friend told us “Belief is trust, faith, confidence”. So, if we put this together in a sentence and use it then it becomes like this, when I expect something from someone then it means “I have trust, faith, and confidence in the person that he’ll be able to do that”. Now, I can’t have that level of trust or confidence or faith in any random person, that person has to be special or would have done anything special to earn that, which takes me to my next question.

Why do we expect or why people expect from us?

As I said earlier either we would have done anything special or someone else would have done anything special or considerable enough to expect us anything from them or vice versa. Sometimes its well-earned basis on our performance like for instance when we enter an organization our first project has 0 expectations from us and if we perform better, then people will expect from us. In other scenarios it’s natural as well like we expect from our parents. We normally expect our parents to be perfect, to be wonder maker ever wondered why? After all they are as human as us and God only knows with how many struggles they have brought us up. But like I said we expect from someone special so the special they have is they are our “Creator” and like we expect from the universal creator the “God” we also expect from the local creators our parents.
So, if expectation is natural, is it good or is it bad which takes me to the next part.

How expectations change the perception toward things and people around us ?

Well in my opinion expectation is directly proportional to satisfaction as well as disappointment. When we expect something from someone, we actually put our belief our trust on them now that

can be your manager to get you a new work or get you pay hike,
 can be your parents to get you a new bike,
it can be from your lover to have a candle light dinner,
can be your friends to arrive sooner. 

Where there is belief there is equal chance of being hurt, disappointed. So, then what’s the criterion of satisfaction and disappointment? The answer is very simple if we get the results on or beyond our expectation mark we are satisfied or even happy. Anything beyond that will lead to disappointment, the more below the expectation mark the more is the level of disappointment. One important point of view to consider here is when we expect anything from ourselves. Job, pay figures, academics, life partner, house, car if we achieve as per expectations we are satisfied with ourselves but if not then we get into self-hatred and eventually into depression. So expectations are natural but logical and genuine expectation is good, too much and illogical expectations can be devastating.
 How does it change our view toward things and people around is quite considerate. With an expectation of 40 and getting 45, the extra 5 becomes the reason for an after party while if I expected for 85 and got 80 then I “may” celebrate for 80 but definitely will miss those 5.

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