Why people stay longer in Service Based Companies when there is no growth - Corporate Diaries



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Saturday 22 December 2018

Why people stay longer in Service Based Companies when there is no growth

Why people stay longer in service based companies when there is no growth

Service based companies serves as home for quite a  very long time to a lot of people, is there any specific reason about that?

There are lot of possible reasons for that:

You can survive with being an old model

Service based companies as name suggest relies on one things that is “Service” to the clients and as long as that is getting fulfilled no one cares if you are “qualified” to the perfection or not. So unlike product based companies where you have to keep up with the ever changing technologies there is no such mandate in Service based companies unless of course if you are not in technical field.

Opportunities are great

Since most of the roles are client facing or near to client related roles, opportunities in terms of exposure and learning is vast. Now it can be putting your point across or being confident enough to lead a conversation to leading a team.

Its an answer to every set of people

One of the main reason for majority of people starting their career from service based companies is that there is work for every kind of people ; too much qualified, ok qualified and also not so qualified people as well. That’s again the same reason of people spending a life long journey there.

To an extent it’s a choice post that it’s a boundation

Frankly every job is like that but service based companies have mostly found these cases where people generally get settled and then there is no option. With service based companies the problem is being outdated with technology and then it either take a lot of effort to get updated or second and the most convenient is just stay there and enjoy the comfort.

Onshore calling

Since most of the clients are based of different country so being at client facing roles give you a great opportunities to visit these different part of world. Asia pacific, Europe, States and so on even if you get one travel for a year that just solves the purpose.

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